Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
As noted by more than a few commentators, this nation has reached
an inflection point on the crucial matter of race relations in this country. The killing of George Floyd by Minnesota
police officer, Derrick Chauvin, accompanied by the tacit support of three
additional officers, was the precipitating event sparking the recent outrage that
has spread to every state in this nation as well as throughout the world. The clarion call of “black lives matters” has
become a multiracial mandate, a demand not merely to repudiate police violence
against African American men, women, and children, but to insist that this
nation take seriously the problem of systemic racism, which has its roots in
this nation’s colonial founding, with its persisting tentacles spread
throughout this nation’s history, embedded within the Constitution itself, and
only partially rectified by the 13th, 14th, and 15th
The egregious incident of this most recent barbarism brought
to acute focus other black lives lost in the past several years—Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arberydue,
Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Tamir
Rice, and Trayvon Martin—through police and vigilante killings. With this backdrop, the murderous assault of
Officer Chauvin’s arrogant knee brutally imposed on George Floyd’s unprotected
neck, has led to a wide majority of the US population to conclude that the
incident was not an unfortunate isolated event, but symptomatic of an endemic
racism (subtle or otherwise) underlying policing in America—one that requires
immediate attention and perhaps radical restructuring of policing/community
relations. In this vision, the threat of
and actual physical force would become one end of a broad continuum that
involves a more extensive community engagement in social problem solving
related to keeping and extending the peace. Moving toward this aspirational
goal would include retraining of police forces and possibly structurally
reforming the way that policing currently takes place, particularly in our
large urban sectors.
The context for understanding these more recent killings cannot
be separated from the decades and centuries of systematic violence perpetuated
against black Americans by various levels of organized white groups and instuitions,
especially since the end of the American Civil War, in the organization of the
Klu Klux Klan and other hate groups obsessed with reinforcing white superiority
in the officially segregated post-Reconstruction South, as well as in the more
subtle, but no less pernicious North throughout the first sixty years of the
twentieth century. This history has included
lynchings, race riots, bombings of Black Americans, including children, and
assassinations of key leaders like Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther
King. The decades long daily impact of
the more subtle forms of racial discrimination in our urban sector and class
warfare against the poor would take too long to document here. But let me suggest that an acute analysis of
the impact on housing, employment, education, and access to social services
would provide a most disturbing narrative of the cumulative impact of poverty
(see Alice O’Connor, Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy and
the Poor in Twentieth Century U. S. History) on black and brown as well as well
as poor white Americans.
This is not to ignore the recognition of progress in
certain key areas related to both race and economic justice since the early
1960s, but it is to insist that the arc toward justice has been anything but
upward in the past 50 years. Moreover,
in certain key respects, the arc has bent downward in recent decades, due in no
small measure to the conservative revolution of the past 40 years and the corresponding
institutional marginalization of the poor through a broad range of policies
initiated by the political right.
On the refrain, “black lives matter” and the retort, “all
lives matter,” I submit, simply because the latter is true (all lives are
sacred), that black lives matter because they are threatened in a myriad of
ways, particularly black males, by a very small, but violent prone segment of
police and citizen vigilantes reflective of a deep seated racism that has never
been eradicated from our society.
To put this in a larger perspective, the vast majority of
black social justice leaders place their work within a broader constituency of threatened
racial and ethnic groups who know full well that the recitation, “black lives
matter”—which has so much resonant social, cultural, and political power, at
this time—is a profound shorthand for a more extensive call to justice and
equity throughout our nation.
To put this in technical terms, “black lives matters” is a synecdoche,
“a figure of
speech by which a part is put for the whole” (Webster Dictionary), in this
case, to convey something essential about the deep-rooted inequities and
prejudices against minority groups throughout the nation. Given the recent killings of black persons by
citizen vigilantes and a very small number of police, supported, in certain
municipalities, by a broader institutional culture that gives tacit consent to
rogue cops, I submit that the “black lives matters” refrain is an incredibly powerful
symbol. It is one that carries the motivating power to stimulate an interracial
movement for social justice and reform to better address the profound
inequities and the many forms of injustice that impede this nation to aspire to
its better angels as embedded in our most cherished national creeds. The symbol, “black lives matter,” is as
potent as it is, because the living reality it conveys is central to its
Let us
capitalize on this energy unleashed during these past two weeks for the shorter
and longer haul and to find some creative ways to work toward the vision it
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