Trump's Summer of Hell
Trump’s Summer of Hel Given the succession of events from Trump’s overhyped meeting with Chairman Kim of June 12 th to the fiasco of his current war against the CIA, FBI, and DOJ, it is difficult to fathom how the president’s approval rating can be over 10%. Yet, there it sits, hovering between 35-43% of the total population due to the machinations of Fox News, the dissembling antics of Trump’s TV lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, the gutter speak of the president, the compliant acquiescence of the hypocritical Republican-led congress, and the ever gullible (81%) evangelical sector. His 80%+ positive ratings among Republicans is a telling reflection in how far the party of Lincoln, TR, Eisenhower, Ford, and Reagan have gone in becoming the servile party of Donald J. Trump, arguably, the most unqualified person ever to have occupied the White House. His caving to Putin in their July 17 th meeting, as reflected in the accompanying news conference, was particularly t...